Thomas Parker (minister)

Thomas Parker (1595–1677) was an English nonconforming clergyman and founder of Newbury, Massachusetts.



He was born probably at Stanton St. Bernard, Wiltshire, the only son of the Reverend Robert Parker, M.A. and Dorothy Stephens. He was admitted into Magdalen College, Oxford, but left when his father was obliged to move to Dublin, where he studied under Archbishop James Ussher. Later he went to be with his father, who was in exile in Leiden, Holland, where he became acquainted with William Ames, and received the degree of M.A. from Leiden University in 1617.[1]

Parker returned to England and settled at Newbury in Berkshire, where he taught at St. Bartholomew's School, and was assistant preacher to William Twisse. His puritan opinions caused him to embark for New England, with a number of Wiltshire men, in the Mary and John of London, 26 March 1634, and they landed in May. About a hundred settled at Agawam, afterwards Ipswich, Massachusetts where Parker remained a year as assistant to Nathaniel Ward.[1]

Parker, together with his cousin Reverend James Noyes, his nephew John Woodbridge, and some others, obtained leave of the general court to remove to Quascacunquen at the mouth of the Merrimack River, and the settlement was incorporated as a township under the name of Newbury or Newberry in the spring of 1635. Noyes was chosen teacher and Parker first pastor of the church, the tenth established in the colony. He remained at Newbury for the rest of his life.[1] At about this time, he became the guardian and tutor of Shubael Dummer, whose mother had died shortly after childbirth and whose father, Richard, had returned to England.[2]

On the return of John Woodbridge from England in 1663 he was made assistant to Parker. He had complained of failing eyesight in 1643, and towards the end of his life became quite blind. This did not prevent him from continuing to teach, usually twelve or fourteen pupils at the James Noyes House, where he lived with Reverend James Noyes.; Samuel Sewall (a cousin of Shubael Dummer) was one of his scholars and wrote about Parker in his diary.[1]

Parker died unmarried on 24 April 1677, in his eighty-second year. The Quascacunquen River was renamed the Parker River in 1697.[1]


The series of seventy theses defended by him at Leyden are found appended to some editions of Ames's answer to Grevinchovius. The theses were published in London in 1657 as Methodus Divinae Gratiae in traductione hominis peccatoris ad viam. They were objected to at the synod of Dort, and by the theological faculty at Heidelberg, and were criticised in Parkerus Illustratus, authore Philo-Tileno, London, 1660, and The Examination of Tilenus before the Triers, by N. H., London, 1658 (by Laurence Womock).[1]

He devoted himself to the study of prophecy and wrote several works, of which only one was published.[3] The book was dedicated to Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, by Thomas Bayly, who states that the author sent the manuscript over to England with neither title nor dedication.[1]

His views on ecclesiastical discipline are in the True Copy of a Letter written by T. Parker unto a Member of the Assembly of divines now at Westminster, declaring his judgement touching the Government practised in the churches of New England, London, 1644 (issued 19 February 1643, as noted by Thomason). The Letter was the subject of remarks in a pamphlet entitled M.S. to A[dam] S[tuart], with a plea for Libertie of Conscience in a Church way, London, 1644, of which a second edition appeared in the same year as Reply of two of the Brethren to A. S. Parker's opinions were shared by Noyes, but were opposed by other members of the church, and controversy raged between 1645 and 1672.[1]

In November 1648 he addressed to Elizabeth Avery, author of Scripture Prophecies opened (1647), a Letter . . . touching sundry opinions by her professed and maintained, printed at London, 1650. She was probably a daughter of Robert Parker, and so his sister; her views were Fifth Monarchist.[1][4]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i  "Parker, Thomas (1595-1677)". Dictionary of National Biography. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900. 
  2. ^ (Google eBook) The Congregational quarterly, Volume 8. American Congregational Union. 1866. Retrieved 12 December 2010. 
  3. ^ The Visions and Prophecies of Daniel expounded, wherein the mistakes of former interpreters are modestly discovered and the true meaning of the text made plain, London, 1646 (noted by Thomason as 3 February 1645).
  4. ^ A Historical Dictionary of British Women (2003) p. 25.
